Purple vs Gray | Mixing Makeup Slime ASMR (12) Satisfying Slime Video







Purple v Gray Eyeshadow, Makeup, Glitter Mixed Into Slime. Relaxing Slime Video ASMR Hi! In this ASMR makeup destruction video, I'm going to be Mixing Makeup Eyeshadow into Clear Slime with Purple and Pink colored makeup. I'll be mixing makeup and eye shadow into two clear slimes and separating the colors out to make a beautiful slime at the end! I hope you enjoy this satisfying special series slime video. Thank you for watching. Love you! #slime #makeupslime #mixingslime CSM Slime is the art of destruction makeup and mixing makeup slime. We mix makeup and eye shadow into two clear slimes and play with the seperated satisfying slime at the end. I hope you guys enjoyed the video Thanks for watching ! Do not forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon! Enjoy!!