ASMR ? Storm,TappingWood,Candy 嵐の夜の音フェチ ☔️ とびきりいい音の木の器と、外国のお菓子

hakka4seasons ASMR




The second half of this video is binaural recording. Please listen with headphones if you can. こんにちは、ハッカです。 昨年の11月に撮った動画をupしてみます。 季節外れですが、秋から冬に変わる境目の嵐が吹いています。 ビービー弾の話、ちょっと怖いですか?? 大丈夫でしょうか?? 古い部屋で収録しているので、かなり窓がガタガタ鳴っております。 ノスタルジックな夜の音をお楽しみください。m(_ _)m *:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:**:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:* I recorded this movie on the last Nov. It's out of season, You can listen the storm sounds that is boundary changing from autumn to winter. Because it is recorded in the old room, windows rattle rattling considerably. Please enjoy the nostalgic sound of the evening. I said *first half "This candy is Guam souvenir. I will try....I see..." *Latter half "In the past, I liked picking up toy gun bullets. A lot of colorful bullets like jewels were falling in the park. In the meantime, I picked up a lot and got bored...." *:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:**:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*:;;::;;:*