Studio Ghibli Emotional Melody : Cello Collection with Calcifer[作業用、睡眠用BGM、ジブリのチェロメドレー、吉卜力大提琴音樂集]

2017/01/09 00:25




Cello collection of Studio ghibli with Calcifer in fireplace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [00:00:00] 千と千尋の神隠しメドレー 「千と千尋の神隠し」(Medley of "Spirited away") [00:05:05] アドリアの海へ 「红の豚」("To Adriatic sea" from "Porco Roso") [00:09:30] 君をのせて 「天空の城ラピュタ」("Carrying you" from "Laputa: Castle in the Sky ") [00:13:03] 風の谷のナウシカ 「風の谷のナウシカ」(Theme of "Naushika of the valley of the wind") [00:16:08] となりのトトロ 「となりのトトロ」(Theme of "My Neighbor Totoro") [00:19:25] はにゅうの宿 「火垂るの墓」("Home, Sweet Home" from "Grave of the fireflies") [00:22:20] さくらんぼの実る頃 「红の豚」( "The time of the cherries" from "Porco Roso") [00:26:50] 風の通り道 「となりのトトロ」("Path of the wind" from "My Neighbor Totoro") [00:30:22] やさしさに包まれたなら 「魔女の宅急便」("Being enclosed softly" from "Kiki's delivery service" ) [00:35:23] 世界の约束 「ハウルの動く城」("The promise of the world" from "Howl's moving castle") [00:40:29] 天空の城ラピュタ 「天空の城ラピュタ」(Theme of "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" ) [00:44:35] ナウシカメドレー 「風の谷のナウシカ」(Medley of "Naushika of the valley of the wind") [00:52:58] もののけ姫 「もののけ姫」(Theme of "Princess mononoke") [00:57:49] いつも何度でも 「千と千尋の神隠し」("Always with me" from "Spirited away") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is only for promotion. Subscribe Koduck Weng for more BGM incoming! #Ghibli #Cello