清耳朵黑頭啦! Blackheads on ear Removal!! (耳の角栓/耳掃除)

澄熒SPA ChangYing Spa







全新的耳朵黑頭 想跳過旋轉從0:30秒開始看 想看結果請從1:00開始看 很開心有耳朵黑頭的人可以來找我們清除,只要有遇到一定會希望可以跟你們分享! 常常收到訊息或是留言說:看我們的影片很舒壓!很療癒!心情都放鬆了!其實大家的留言與訊息我都會一一看完,真的很感謝大家喜歡看我們的影片! 像這樣只是來找我們清除一顆耳朵黑頭,我們都是沒有收費的!如果你有耳朵黑頭想清除,記得跟我們說你只想清一顆喔,如果不是想做臉順便清,不用一定要預約臉部保養課程的! Start from: 0:30, If you wanna skip the first part Start from 1:00, If you wanna see the result directly Its really happy to meet people who wanna to do the blackheads removal of their ears and I will definitely share to you guys! And I wanna to say that I am really happy and appreciate to read the comments or message from you guys: "the video is satisfying" "It's relaxing while watching your videos" etc It's "FREE" for those, who only want to remove one blackhead from your ear so if you have only one blackheads on your ear, remember to tell me about it, we won't charge you it's no need to make reservation for facial if you are not going to remove blackheads while doing it :) Just feel free to find me and ask if you have any question!! ------------------------------------------------- Please subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChbC3eQpGGQxop-rCC1NBFg?sub_confirmation=1 For more info about 澄熒SPA ChangYing Spa - https://www.facebook.com/chang.ying.spa/